Visit with Dr.S.
He is always so happy. He makes me smile every time he comes in the room or whenever I seem him scurrying around the office. No, I'm not in the least bit attracted to him physically... He has a job that he loves, and he does it well. I admire him for that. His compassion for his work and his patients are exemplary.
He goes over my mammogram results, remember they are good, listens to my chest and then we chat. Dr. S explains there is another drug he wants me to take; Lupron. What it does is inform my brain to suppress "Penelope" and any hormones related to it. It would in essence tell my body to go into menopause and NOT feed any tumor that ever return. humph... 35 and in menopause, well I've done the early menopause thing already so guess this will be the final time. From what I understand it'll be a shot in the abdominal area every 3 months. Still want to do more research on it.
I also mentioned to him about my uncle who may now have brain cancer. He, just as I are a bit surprised. Him because brain and breast cancer are in the same family, just learned that today, and one of my early test showed no BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, family gene that carries cancer cells. Me, cause...I know my uncle as a loud, proud Jamaican; and to imagine him in the state he's in now is heartbreaking. I pray his biopsy comes back benign.
Remember the insurance company denied the Muga test requested from my doctor?...well he's doing a work around. Since they wont pay for that test, he's rescheduled my echo's to be every 6 weeks instead of every 3 months. Any additional change would be detected quickly and adjustments can be made.
The treatment room
Surprisingly, there were only 2 other patients in there. cool! :) I asked the the ladies present "do any of you ladies mind if I turn on the TV?" One lady says "I don't like TV's" so I asked if she had turn it away from her; it was in a catercorner position. She says" No, turn it to you... I don't trust it." OK. I was guessing she was referring to any radioactive rays or something of that sort, but then she turn to a TV tray next to her and turns on a laptop and clamps on some earphones. LOL! I have no real idea what that was about. shrugging my shoulders
The other lady and I got involved in conversation. About 45 minutes worth. Don't worry, I won't get into detail about it but from that I suspect I'll hear from her in the future.