There was an incident though Thanksgiving evening that did tick me, my husband and a few others off. Here is the condensed version. The kids, all cousins from age 2-16, were playing/ watching t.v. in a room. One of them got upset with my son and decided to find a pair of scissors come back and throw it at him. She missed him but just missed my daughter and my two nephews. NOW, you know I wanted to take of my belt and give a good ass old school Jamaican beat down... when I found out about it. Anyway, I gonna end that story here. This site is to inform you about my condition and treatments. BUT! :) If you want you can e mail or I.M. me for the story as I have it.
Radiation hiatus is over
Well today I went back to radiation therapy. Sierra had to come with me since she was a bit ill for school. With it being a bit cold and rainy and having a sick child with me, I was absolutely happy to find an available spot up front dedicated to radiation patients. My first time taking advantage of these spots. :D C waited in the front with the receptionist while I went to the back for treatment. Nothing changed really but I've been noticing my underarm getting tender... sore like I guess. It almost feels like with stretching my skin is tearing. When the team was getting my situated on the machine I mentioned it to them. They said it's normal and most likely will get worse and migrate to the breast. Their best advise... keep the area(s) dry and sleep with my arm up for air. LOL! It hurts to put it up but it'll get done. Shoot! If I'm going to workout the way I intend to I better be able to put that arm up. LOL!
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