Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Nearing the End

Over the weekend the skin broke under my arm. I have already been in pain from stiffness, and my skin being nuked daily.... now to have an open sore... ugh... I just happy it's all almost over. I had A.D. lotion my back last night and he informed me that the left side was even darker than the right. That's some serious stuff! WOW.

December 20th

On my way into the radiation room, I remembered to ask how many treatments were left. 5 left after today! yyeeaaa! I'm so freaking happy... I just don't know what to say. Oh... my... gosh... :D This will be time for my body to start to recooperate,... and allow my skin to return to it's normal color. So Monday December 27,2010... radiation for me will be done when I walk outta the office. :D


It's growing pretty fast. :) I can actually hang on to some if I squeeze it between 2 fingers, can even get it to roll almost halfway around a finger as well. Trust me, it's not a ton like it was before, not even the same texture but it's coming along. I went out with my girls the other evening and went WITHOUT a wig or hat. Just me. :)

Remember how disgusted I was about how much my body is changing... for the worst, and how determined I was to start working out again.... Well... let me just say... it's hard to workout when it hasn't been done in a while. lol! guess I'll have to break back into it a little slower than I really anticipate. Need some motivation. :)

Not sure if I'll post again before Christmas so just in case I don't... Merry Christmas Everyone and a Happy New Year! Much love and blessings to all my followers and readers.
Thank you all so much for your support.

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