Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

Here at my aunt's, by marriage, house bringing in the new year with family. We all gathered in the living room to watch a video biography of the late R. Morton. A.D.'s grandmother who passed February 2010. The video contained photographs from her youth, family gatherings over the years and even her funeral, it was very tastefully done. I miss her... I'm sure we(the family) all do.

As 2011 came near I couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed. There is so much for me to be thankful for- my family, doctors, techs, friends, good spirits, life.
-so much to say goodbye to- broken Achilles, Cancer, Chemo, some broken relationships,
- and so much good to look forward to in 2011- healing, growing my business, finishing up treatments (Herceptin should be done by June or July), maybe a vacation. LOL! would be nice.
It was all so much for me to absorb as the clock stuck 12:00. After all the cheers, hugs and all that stuff, I retreated to the bathroom for a quiet cry. I'm was just happy for the new possibilities for 2011 and the end of 2010's misfortunes. Though they may make me stronger in some sense... I'm still glad it's over.

I wish you all a wonderful 2011. Happy New Year! :)

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